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Indicazioni bibliografiche sulla geopolitica


Friedrich Ratzel, Rudolf Kjellen

Ratzel, Friedrich, Politische Geographie, Muenchen, 1897.
Ratzel, Friedrich, Erdenmacht und Voelkerschicksal, Stuttgart, 1940.
Kjellen, Rudolf, Die Grossmaechte der Gegenwart, Leipzig, Berlin, 1914.
Kjellen, Rudolf, Die politische Probleme des Weltkrieges, Leipzig, 1916.
Kjellen, Rudolf, Der Staat als Lebensform, Leipzig, 1917.
Kjellen, Rudolf, Die Grossmaechte vor und nach dem Weltkriege, Leipzig, Berlin, 1930.

Halford Mackinder

Gilbert, Edmund W., Sir Halford Mackinder, 1861 – 1947 – An Appreciation of His Life and Work, London, 1961.
Kirk, William, Geographical Pivots of History, Leicester, U.K., 1965.
Mackinder, Halford, Britain and the British Seas, New York, 1902.
Mackinder, Halford, The Geographical Pivot of History, Geographical Journal, London, 23, 2 (April 1904), p. 421 – 444.
Mackinder, Halford, Democratic Ideals and Reality: A Study in the Politics of Reconstruction, New York, 1919.
Mackinder, Halford, The Round World and the Winning of the Peace, Foreign Affairs, 21, 4(July 1943), p. 595 – 605.
Parker, W.H., Geography as An Aid to Statecraft, London, 1982.

Alfred T. Mahan

Gorsjkov, Sergei, The Sea Power of the State, New York, 1979.
Livezey, William E., Mahan on Sea Power, Norman, OK, USA, 1947. Revised ed. 1980.
Mahan, Alfred T., The Influence of Sea Power upon History 1660 – 1783, Boston, 1890.
Mahan, Alfred T., The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire 1793 – 1812, Boston, 1892.
Mahan, Alfred T., The Interest of America in Sea Power: Present and Future, Boston, 1897.
Mahan, Alfred T., The Problem of Asia and Its Effect upon International Politics, Boston, 1900.
Mahan, Alfred T., Letters and Papers, Ed. Robert Seager II – Doris D. Maguire. Three Vol. Annapolis, 1975.
Martin, L.W., The Sea in Modern Strategy, New York, 1967.
Moodie, Michael – Cottrell, A.J., Geopolitics and Maritime Power, Beverly Hills, USA, 1981.
Quester, George H. (ed.), Sea Power in the 1970s, New York, London, 1975.

Nicholas Spykman

Spykman, Nicholas, Geography and Foreign Policy, American Political Science Review, 32, No.1 (February 1938), p. 28 – 50, No.2 (April 1938), p. 213 – 236.
Spykman, Nicholas – Rollins, Abbie A., Geographic Objectives on Foreign Policy, American Political Science Review, 33, No. 3 (June 1939), p. 391-410, No.4 (August 1939), p. 591-614.
Spykman, Nicholas, America´s Strategy in World Politics. The United States and the Balance of Power, New York, 1942.
Spykman, Nicholas, Frontiers, Security and International Relations, Geographical Review, 32, No.3 (July 1942), p. 436-447.
Spykman, Nicholas, The Geography of the Peace, Ed. Helen R. Nicholl. New York, 1944.

Karl Haushofer

Dorpalen, Andreas (ed.), The World of General Haushofer – Geopolitics in action, New York, 1942.
Gyorgy, Andrew, Geopolitics – The new German Science, Berkeley, 1944.
Haushofer, Karl, Dai Nihon – Betrachtungen ueber Gross-Japans Wehrkraft, Weltstellung und Zukunft, Berlin, 1913.
Haushofer, Karl, Zur Geopolitik der Selbstbestimmung, Muenchen, Leipzig, 1923.
Haushofer, Karl, Grenzen in ihrer geographischen und politischen Bedeutung, Berlin-Gruenewald, 1927, 1929.
Haushofer, Karl, Macht und Erde, Three vol. Leipzig, 1930-34.
Haushofer, Karl, Geopolitik der Pan-Ideen, Berlin, 1931.
Haushofer, Karl, Wehr-Geopolitik – Geographische Grundlagen einerWehrkunde, Berlin, 1932.
Jacobsen, H.-A., Karl Haushofer. Leben und Werk. Two vol. Boppard am Rhein, 1979.
Schnitzer, Ewald W., German Geopolitics Revived. Santa Monica, USA, 1954.
Strausz-Hupe, Robert, Geopolitics – The Struggle for Space and Power, New York, 1942.
Weigert, Hans W., Generals and Geographers – The Twilight of Geopolitics, New York, 1942.
Whittlesey, Derwent S. – Colby, Charles C. – Hartsthorne, Richard, German Strategy of World Conquest, New York, 1942.


Bonasdera, F., Geopolitica, Palermo, 1982.
Brill, Heinz, Geopolitik heute: Deutschlands Chance?, Berlin, 1994.
Brill, Heinz, Deutschland im geostrategischen Kraftfeld der Super- und Grossmaechte (1945-1990) in Westbindung: Chancen und Risiken fuer Deutschland (ed. Zitelmann, Rainer, Weissmann, Karlheiz, and Grossheim, Michael), pp. 259 – 276. Frankfurt/Main, 1993.
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Game Plan – How to Conduct the U.S. – Soviet Contest, Boston/New York, 1986.
Celerier, P., Geopolitique et Geostrategie, Paris, 1955.
Cohen, S.B., Geography and Politics in a World Divided, New York, 1963. 2nd ed. 1973.
Gallois, Pierre M., Geopolitique – les voies de la puissance, Paris, 1990.
Gray, Colin S., The Geopolitics of the Nuclear Area – Heartlands, Rimlands and the Technological Revolution, New York, 1977.
Gray, Colin S., Maritime Strategy, Geopolitics and the Defence of the West, New York, 1986.
Gray, Colin S., The Wartime Influence of Sea Power, Fairfax, Va, USA, 1987.
Gray, Colin S., The Geopolitics of Superpower, Lexington, 1988.
Hahn, Karl-Eckehard, Westbindung un Interessenlage: ueber die Renaissance der Geopolitik in Die selbstbewusste Nation (ed. Schwilk, Heimo and Schacht, Ulrich), pp. 327-344. Berlin, 1995.
Kandziora. Ewald, Geopolitik. Oder: Von der historischen Ueber-holtheit, sich gegen die Entgrenzung der Politik zu stemmen in WeltTrends 5, November 1994, pp. 89 – 106.
Kintner, William R., Soviet Global Power, Fairfax, Va, 1988.
Lacoste, Y., La Geographie, ca ser, d abord, a faire le guerre, Paris, 1985.
Lowe, James T., Geopolitics and War – Mackinders Philosophy of War, Washington D.C., 1981.
Morris, Robert, Our Globe Under Siege III, Mantoloking, N.J., 1988.
O Sullivan, P., Geopolitics, Beckenham, UK, 1985.
Parker, Geoffrey, Western Geopolitical Thought in the Twentieth Century, Beckenham, UK, 1985.
Sen, D., Basic Principles of Geopolitics and History, Delhi, 1975.
Sloan, Geoffrey R., Geopolitics in United States Strategic Policy 1890 – 1987, New York, 1988.
Sprengel, Rainer, Geopolitik in Frankreich und Deutschland, in Dokumente: Zeitschrift fuer den deutsch-franzoesischen Dialog 51, September 1995, pp. 417-4213.
Weiser, Dieter, Geopolitik: Renaissance eines umstrittenen Begriffs, in Aussenpolitik 45´, December 1994, pp. 402-411.
Zoppo, C.E. – Zorgbibe, C. (ed.), On Geopolitics – Classical and Nuclear, Dordrecht, 1985.Girot, P. – Kofman. E. (ed.), International Geopolitical Analysis, Beckenham, UK, 1987.

Geopolitica Critica

Agnew, J.; Corbridge, S., Mastering Space: Hegemony, territory, and international political economy, New York, 1995
Agnew, J. – Corbridge, S., The New Geopolitics: the dynamics of geopolitical order in Johnston, R. and Taylor, P., (eds), A World in crisis, Oxford, UK, 1989.
Dalby, S., Creating the second Cold War, London, 1990.
George, J., Discourse of Global Politics: A Critical (Re)Introduction to International Relations, Boulder, Colorado, 1994.
Lacoste, Y., Geography and foreign policy, SAIS Review 4, p. 213 – 227, 1984.
Livingstone, D., The Geographical Tradition: Episodes in the History of a Contested Enterprise, Oxford, 1992.
O Tuathail G. and Agnew, J., Geopolitics and discourse: practical geopolitical reasoning in American foreign policy, Political Geography 11, p. 190 – 204, 1992.
O Tuathail, G., Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space, Minneapolis, 1996.


Anderson, E., An Atlas of World Political Flashpoints – A Sourcebook of Geopolitical Crisis, London, 1993.
Chaliand, Gerard – Rageau, Jean-Pierre, Strategic Atlas: World Geopolitics, Harmondsworth, UK, 1986 (original French ed. 1983).
Chaliand – Rageau, Atlas strategique – Geopolitique des nouveaux rapports des forces dans le monde – L apres guerre froide, Paris, 1993.
Freedman, Lawrence, Atlas of Global Strategy – War and Peace in the Nuclear Age, London 1985, new ed. 1987.
Kidron, M. – Smith, D., The War Atlas – Armed Conflict, Armed Peace, London, 1983.
de Marenches, Alexandre, Atlas Geopolitique, Paris, 1988.
Prevot, V. – Boichard, J., Geopolitique transparante – Atlas- Panorama de geopolitique mondiale, Paris, 1987.
Touscoz, J., Atlas geostrategique – crises, tensions et convergences, Paris, 1988.
Wheatcroft, A. – Keegan, J., Zones of Conflict: an atlas of future wars, London, 1986.


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